About School
Samskara International School, an unconventional and innovative school was founded in 2014, The premise that every child is special in his own way and has a special ability to learn. He was a great visionary & dedicated his life to serving the economically weaker section of society. Educating the downtrodden was his passion. His dream was to improve the life of citizens of India by planting seeds of patriotism. His efforts were to provide holistic education in assimilating new frontiers of knowledge & soft skills.
With the vision and progressive outlook of our CEO Mr Avinash Yerolkar and the dynamic Chairman Dr. Amar Yerolkar, today Samskara The Learning International School stands tall on its quality education with the state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities. Samskara the leaning International School has an innovative culture of its own and it is on its way to become the finest learning hub for children for the pursuit of excellence not only in academics but in all walks of life.
The curriculum at Samskara International School is guided by the principles of child-centered experiential learning and holistic education and also learns from progressive international practices in school education. Our curriculum designing is inspired by the works of great philanthropists of India and our own experiences as teachers and school leaders.
Samskara International School has evolved from the collective conviction of the Core Team of Educationists, about children, their learning experiences, and by constant progress, discovery and self-exploration. The respective Core Team members have been involved with complementary aspects of innovative school education for all these years.
We believe that there is much more to education than merely teaching a syllabus and preparing children for examinations. It is in fact not only the preparation for the life but it is the life itself.
True education begins with knowing and understanding the child and letting her/him train the head, heart, and hand by the virtue of experiencing the multidimensional perspective of a holistic and child-centered curriculum, which is not only dynamic but also ever-evolving. At Samskara International School, the child and the educator are both life-long learners. Together, they weave a world of sharing, discovering, and constructing new hopes and new vistas.
The teacher should not be a book that is read aloud, the same for everyone, no matter what the student’s nature and character. The first duty of the teacher is to help the student to know himself and to discover what he/she is capable of doing. For that teacher must observe his/her games, the activities to which he/she is drawn naturally and spontaneously and also what he/she liked to learn, whether his/her intelligence is awaken, the stories he/she enjoys, the activities which interest, the human achievements which attract him/her… The old method of the seated class to which the teacher gives the same lesson for all, is certainly economical and easy, but also very ineffective and so time is wasted for everybody.